Current Game: Shadow of Mordor... yes I'm still working on it.
This blog series seemed like a good idea until I actually tried determining what my true "favorite" games are and then fit it into a realistically sized post. There's a reason I have such a passion for creating video games: I have loved so many, and if I tried to include them all, we would be here for weeks and Runelands would never get completed. As Fish pointed out, it depends on the criteria you use for the list, because that at least helps you narrow it down. Following in Fish's footsteps, this list is based on pure nostalgia. I apologize in advance to all the games I left out. I still love you, and I will come up with a different series to share your glory with our followers... all 20 of you...
Current Game: Warframe (PS4)
Well, Fish is back to write up another article that you probably couldn't care less about, but hey I'm doing it anyway. So keep reading, or I will come to your home and force you. Yes that's right, you. I'm tracking your IP address and this is the blog post you're looking for *waves hand like a Jedi*.
Welcome back, friends and weak minded non-Toydarian fools. Today, I wanted to talk to you about a few of my all time favorite games. In all honesty, it is pretty difficult to narrow down the list because there are so many phenomenal games I've played over the years. I'm sure you'll look at a few of these games and scoff, wondering what in the blazes I'm thinking and what criteria am I using. To be quite honest, the only elements that matter to me are personal fun factor(how much I enjoy playing the game for whatever random reasons) and good old fashioned nostalgia. Like most gamers out there, my list is all over the place. Some of these were great because I got to play them with my best friends for hours on end, while others are empirically awesome. I'll try to keep it short, and fortunately for you I ran out of bourbon so there will be less rambling...
Current Game: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (3DS)
When Travis asked me to write a blog post about what I do here at Moonlight Games, I just laughed. "Why would anyone want read about the "creative process" of an unpublished, Indie video game writer?" I asked. Bless his heart, Travis genuinely believes that someone out there (Hi Mom!) is actually interested in reading such a post, maybe even enough to comment on it *Hint Hint* Such an optimist. Unfortunately for all of you, he's also the boss, so here we are...
My Process:
First, I put on my headphones and stare at a blank screen/the wall until inspiration strikes. Often, I look up random stuff on Wikipedia. Once I finally have an idea, I type. A lot. Then comes the best part: I delete everything I've spent the past hour working on because it's garbage. Repeat as necessary. This cycle often continues for a several hours. On a good day, I manage to write a few pages that I'm not completely ashamed of. Then I pour myself a drink and lament my life choices. The End.